Watch me lose my sanity working on this game

9:00 PM: I have all of the Unity Tutorials set up. Right now, I’m working on making a timer. It’s not going well.

9:30 PM: The timer was a bust. I’m going to have to ask about it in class.

10:00 PM: I can’t make my character respawn, this is wildly disappointing. 

10:11 PM: I GOT MY CHARACTER TO DIE WHEN IT FALLS OFF!! Unfortunately, this also causes the cameras to delete themselves. Why? The world may never know. 

10:30 PM: I am now working on sounds. I  have the song picked out and downloaded, (Helium Balloons,) but have no idea how to make it play.  *Side note* One of the YouTube tutorials I watched for this had a very colorful script, and now I’m jealous. I’m going to figure out how to make my scripts colorful too.

11:00 PM: I have had 3 cups of black tea within the past 2 hours. I am going to live forever.

11:19 PM: I change my background to purple. It’s a nice shade.

11:30 PM: My amount of scrips has doubled. I think I have a fair amount of work done. I have my music picked out and downloaded, I have my timer slightly set up, I don’t do a bunch of weird flips when I jump, I got my first person camera worked out, I can die, and I can collect the little gem thing. Alas, looking over the rubric, I have a lot more to do. I should go do that.

12:15 AM: I have added a bunch of more models to my game, and made it all colorful and nice. Right now I’m working on a spinning animation for the gem. Seeing as I have a first person game, It’s a tad difficult to think of animations.

12:33 AM:  My gem spins around now. I just need to find more animations and figure out how to upload it to the GameJam thing.

12:51 AM: Finally fixed double jumping. I’ve noticed that now that it’s first person, there’s sometimes some blind spots. I should fix that.

1:00 AM: After getting slightly burned out from coding for the past four hours, I decided to research the colorful scripts. I had no luck. 

1:07 AM: I’m tired goodbye


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Jan 29, 2022

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